30 Things I love

I have been enjoying watching everyones daily thankful posts. I have done these in the past but rarely have I managed to remember each and every day. While I was on a trail race it came to me that I should just post a list of things that make me happy, smile, or instantly calm me. In no particular order.

  1. I love Ruby, my little Labrarottie. I love how she greets me at the door for hugs.
I also love how silly she is.
I also love how silly she is.

2. I love walking thru a store and hearing teenagers singing Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody

3. I love getting unexpected text messages from friends or family just to say hi.

4. I love the Foo Fighters. (Do I really need to explain further?)

5. I love small local business that care about the community!

6. I love boot season! I am a firm believer that one can never have too many boots!

7. I love a good glass of iced tea at my Grandma’s house in my iced tea glass.

File Nov 15, 10 57 30 PM
My Favorite Ice Tea Glass – So much so that a few years ago they found me one for home that matches it!

8. I love how amazing, supportive, and encouraging the Professional Photographers of Oklahoma and Indian Nations Professional Photographers family is.

Seriously this is not even a representation of all the awesome folks who are a part of the organization but these three ladies mean so much to me!

9. I love a good glass of wine after a long but fulfilling day.

10. I love podcasts! I am a NPR junkie and podcasts allow me to not miss any of my favorite shows!

11. I love my Oklahoma State Cowboys!

12. I love my Uncles Homemade chili that is never the same twice, but the ‘heat’ intensifies each day.

13. I love camping.

14. I love Kayaking with my honey!

My honey and I at the river kayaking!

15. I love Oklahoma. The community spirit, the can do attitude, and the sincere care we have for one another (aside from the bedlam game). In recent years we have been in the national news in a less than flattering light but Oklahomans are actually a wonderful breed I am proud to be a part of.

16. I love classic autos.

17. I love trail running (after the snakes go into hibernation). Being in the woods recharges me. It gives me time to think and often sparks creativity.

2014-12-07 08.01.02
Ruby often accompanies me on trail runs!

18. I love my Aunts and Uncles (the Greats too – it takes a village to raise a child and my Aunts and Uncles have been a huge part of that).

My Great Aunt Stella
My Great Aunt Stella

19. I love my trail running family. I truly believe no other state has a community quite like ours.

TZ, Trail Races – Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd

20. I love coffee.

21. I love that Philly has accepted me as one of her people.

David's dog Philly, dogs, pets
David’s dog Philly

22. I love audiobooks. I rarely have time to read a book but often listen to audio books.

23. I love having a boyfriend that supports me as an artist, entrepreneur and activist. (Even if he thinks I have lost my mind from time to time).

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Tulsa Oktoberfest

24. I love volunteering for something I believe in, the Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition, YMCA of Tulsa, Oktoberfest Tulsa and more. These are causes I happily give of myself to support.

25. I love knitting – it gives  me a chance to decompress.

26. I love driving a manual transmission.

27. I love Harry Potter books. (I am also very excited about the next book J.K. Rowling is working on.)

28. I love BBQ, particularly when it is smoked over Pecan Wood.

29. I love Star Wars movies (the original trilogy – jury is out on the one being made for late 2015)

30. I love my clients!!!!

Thats just 30! I could easily keep going. What about you? What do you love? I encourage you to sit down and make a list. I promise your heart will feel lighter! #30thingsIlove

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